Who and why

Why   &   Who

Why   are   we   doing   this?

For many recipients, the work of CRP means the difference between eating regularly and going without. Many of the recipient households live on less than $20,000 per year and are unable to purchase all of the food they need each month without the help of CRP. Others have an illness or disability that makes it difficult to get to the supermarket or do not have reliable transportation to a local grocery store.

Who   does   CRP   help?

CRP serves a wide variety of people, from families with young children, the unemployed, people living with mental or physical disabilities, to elderly people living on a fixed income while struggling to make ends meet. Our clients are primarily Jewish; however, CRP will provide food to anyone who asks for our help.

Who   volunteers   at   CRP?

The CRP volunteer community consists of individuals representing all ages and religious affiliations. This vibrant, enthusiastic community includes young professionals, families with children, students and members of area community organizations.

Upcoming   Events

Pre Chanukah Food Drive & Party
Tuesday, Dec 10, 6:30 PM